
Newcastle West Olden Times

Welcome to NCWOldenTimes.com an online archive dedicated to telling the story of Newcastle West in Co. Limerick in words, photos and videos from the town’s proud history.

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Memories Of The Past – Episode 329

NCW RFC - 7's 2000 Footage via Cahill family . https://youtu.be/3R0LjSLc2O8 https://youtu.be/5lmrYRMjsNU https://youtu.be/7-oCOTNP9tg https://youtu.be/9iqRcs45FEc https://youtu.be/-g0ORfUW3XM

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Memories Of The Past – Episode 322

NCW RFC U-8 Presentation 2000 Footage by Mick Galwey - thanks to Cahill family for footage https://youtu.be/ax2yfO6fu4g https://youtu.be/WF59Zk-a7To https://youtu.be/tiqeS9lY_gg https://youtu.be/9XN6sqYbtlI https://youtu.be/pWyau-FaYHw

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