
Newcastle West Olden Times

Welcome to NCWOldenTimes.com an online archive dedicated to telling the story of Newcastle West in Co. Limerick in words, photos and videos from the town’s proud history.

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Memories Of The Past – Episode 342

Talk on Robert 'Bertie' Cussen by Dr. Patrick O'Connor https://youtu.be/Eg0LXaZBKVA https://youtu.be/pZfWGizykjA?si=qak7myHoyfWrXyDj Plaque unveiling in Limerick city in 1966 by President Eamon de Valera. Bertie Cussen appears at 2.12.

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NCW Flyover 2015

With thanks to Eamon Doody https://youtu.be/eLzYNQNITfQ https://youtu.be/cKWuQh_nc1U?si=O93FDWhnth1L22Ap https://youtu.be/PQVniZbGPK4 https://youtu.be/EkrcKZHj09U

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Knights of Westfest 2013

Some videos from 2013 https://youtu.be/dvBWTQ94Rpw https://youtu.be/864v2XLpw_U https://youtu.be/ki-HJMlLbR4 https://youtu.be/O6oJ6oGuFnA https://youtu.be/fl45q24AA0o https://youtu.be/7g_dRye5R0o https://youtu.be/iLdj1VIOOxg...

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Knights of Westfest 2012

Some videos from 2012 https://youtu.be/v-uHmam6g3k https://youtu.be/3f63UzoTFZs https://youtu.be/yovydZ9Il90 https://youtu.be/mUIUd_8O01Q https://youtu.be/G-7-8M6doqg https://youtu.be/M8rOh6Iym6g https://youtu.be/vOKNFoc2WoE

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