Newcastle West Olden Times
Welcome to an online archive dedicated to telling the story of Newcastle West in Co. Limerick in words, photos and videos from the town’s proud history.
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School publication. Poems
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School Publication. The 'old' Courtenay School 1706-1955.
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School Publication. Montessori School.
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School Publication. Junior School Wardens
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School Publication. Folklore Collection of 1938.
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School Publication. Conservationists
Bóithirín na Smaointe 1992
Courtenay School Publication. Intro
NCW Postcards
Street pictures
NCW Promotion
Booklet to promote the town
Biddy Early
Dicing with Fate - Cures of Biddy Early
Dr. James O’Brien
A piece by Frank Phelan etc.
The Desmond Castle
Reconstructing The Earl of Desmond's Castle. By Daniel Tietzsch-Tyler (2011)